It’s nice to know that the right foods can help minimize the disruption allergies cause. For those of us who love to eat, this is music to our taste buds. Here are 5 types of foods you can eat without guilt and an explanation about why they are good for you.
Yogurt—The kind of yogurt that can help contains active cultures that help keep a healthy count in your stomach. An unhealthy diet often promotes the growth of bacteria that can irritate the immune system and cause it to flare more easily than it would with the proper balance of good and bad bacteria.
The recommended daily amount to eat is 24 ounces which may seem like a lot. But this is such an easy food to mix into the regular diet that it’s certainly worth a try.
Unfortunately, this does not refer to frozen yogurt that looks so attractive in the local ice cream shop. The fact that it contains zero active cultures and so much processed sugar renders it useless in stabilizing the bacterial balance. Lots of times it can make the situation worse.
To make sure you are getting a product that contains the helpful cultures, the National Yogurt Association (NYA) places its seal on refrigerated products that contain 100 million cultures per gram when manufactured and 10 million cultures per gram for frozen products when manufactured.
Healthy Fats—Is that possible you may ask? Not all fats are created equal. There are good and bad fats. Omega-3 fats are the good guys because they offer great anti-inflammatory benefits. Reducing the frequency of inflammation in the body improves the immune system and help it react in a more normal way.
Foods that contain these fats naturally include fish such as cod, haddock, and salmon. There are fish oil supplements in pill form that can be taken daily.
Another good fatty acid is gamma-linolenic (GLA). It is contained naturally in oils such as primrose, borage, and black current seed. Check your local health food store for these supplements.
Many experts believe that a daily combination of both the Omega-3 and GLA send a one two punch to potential inflammatory problems that the immune system might have.
Fruits And Veggies—Your mom was right and we all need to thank them for pushing these wholesome foods at us often despite great protest. Eating a rainbow is the best way to describe what works best.
Fruits and veggies that come in the primary colors is what the body needs daily. Some examples of these are blueberries, cranberries, apples, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, and any color pepper. Many of these contain antioxidants and beta-carotene which play a huge part in helping the immune system function normally.
Fiber—The bran part of whole grain and seeds encourage the growth of healthy bacteria that tend to reduce inflammation. High-fiber foods include almonds, broccoli, bran cereal avocado, brown rice, kale, black beans and soybeans. There are a ton more choices too numerous to name here.
30 to 40 grams is the recommended daily dose.. The stomach, gastronintestinal tract and bowels benefit greatly from daily consumption of these foods. And keeping the right balance of bacteria in the stomach goes a long way towards a healthy immune system.
Juice—These are good because of the antioxidants they offer. Make sure you read the label carefully to determine how much actual juice is contained in the product. Organic products may cost more but the health benefits of choosing them may outweigh the additional expense. Glass containers rather than plastic can avoid the potential leaching of chemicals from the plastic.
Adopting these healthy eating habits can satisfy your taste buds while improving your health. This type of diet is truly a win, win situation.