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Today’s high stress world has been playing havoc with our sleep. Sleep Disorders increase as stress increases and as we age. Sleep comprises one third of our life, and controls everything from hormones to sell rejuvenation. Stress and anxiety are not difficult to manage. Relaxation practices may not sound realistic or viable. Many people do not understand how sitting on the floor and r......
Statistics point to the dangerously increasing number of road fatalities, common among drivers below the age of twenty five. Accidents are common during mid-afternoon and night hours, involving long monotonous drives on highways and expressways. Fatigued drivers are as dangerous as drunken drivers. Statistically researched data has shown that 40,000 people are injured in drowsy driver crash......
Treating Insomnia: Is having sweet dreams just a dream?” A person who is suffering from sleepless nights, someone who frequently wakes up at night and rises up early in the morning even though that person does not have enough sleep is having a sleeping disorder known as insomnia. Insomnia is a condition in which a person is not getting enough sleep. This person when awakened at night h......
Ten years ago, a former colleague of mine, a fine teacher and person, was tragically killed in a car accident in British Columbia. He was on vacation with his daughter who miraculously survived the accident. What happened was a classic case of sleep deprivation: my friend was anxious to make his way to a chosen destination and despite his fatigue and the fact that he had been on the road for......
A lot of men and women try very hard to fall asleep at bedtime, but still find they remain not able to go to sleep. Many of these people dedicate a lot of time looking into how to get to sleep, but continue to struggle with insomnia. For those who have sleeping problems, you may be researching natural ways of coping with insomnia rather than going with prescribed drugs. If you are serious ab......
Nightly tooth grinding is a taxing problem that can result in chronic headaches, earaches, jaw pain, worn tooth enamel and sometimes flattened, shortened or even broken teeth and fillings. Also known as sleep bruxism, nightly grinding plagues as much as 10 percent of the adult population and as many as one-third of children. And yet, it is still unclear what causes it. Some studies have conn......
Are you fighting Insomnia for some time now? Do you often fall prey to sleeping problems? If these questions answer a yes, it is time that you take care of your sleep and work towards finding a solution to your sleeping disorder. It is widely considered that sleep disorders result from stress, work pressure, environmental damages, and other causes that affect a healthy life. The most popular......
Is weight gain directly linked to sleep deprivation? It most definitely is! First of all, think about the fact that while you are sleeping you do not consume any food. Additionally, anything that happens within your system affects your metabolic process along with your overall well being. Depriving your body of sleep is abusing it in a physical sense. There are a lot of problems that you wil......
If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, you might want to consider taking up meditation. Practicing meditation can help you get a sounder and more refreshing sleep so that you’ll have more energy and ability to concentrate in the morning. It also has benefits for people who have sleep difficulties because it relaxes the muscles and soothes the mind so that they fall asleep mo......
Do you have trouble dropping off to sleep? Is your mind going over the occurrences of the day? Are you panicking that you don’t have enough time to do all you have to do tomorrow? Are you faced with a deadline to get a job done? Are any or all of these things keeping you from getting good nights sleep? If so, why not consider a natural remedy for insomnia? A cup of chamomile tea, which......