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When the sun seems to cease shining, when the days are darker than nights, when feeling of hope seems to be completely drained, when nothing seems to be going your way and the constant dread looms over your head then you are facing anxiety attacks. Anxiety is basically the feeling of foreboding which warns the mind of an oncoming danger, trouble or an undesirable happening. This insight int......
Worry is something we all have, but a worry that turns into excessive fear will lead to GAD. About 4 million of American population is affected to generalize anxiety disorder every year and the number seems to be increasing. This is a sorry state for a person to be in. women are affected to this more than men are. Gad is triggered due to a lot of stress and anxiety, in this case a person alw......
Stress is part of everyone’s lives, but it can be managed. When stress is not properly managed, it can morph into anxiety. Anxiety can lead to unhealthy strain on the body and possibly, disease. Continue reading this article to learn more about what stress can do to your health. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water every day. You should also make sure your body gets the proper nutri......
Progressive muscle relaxation, also called PMR, is one of the preferred ways to relieve tension and anxiety symptoms without being dependent only on medicine. This deep relaxation method is the thing of tensing and easing specific muscle groups in sequence by using a script. Two different sides make up the effectiveness of PMR, the mind and body and the couple are completely necessary to gai......
People all around the world are searching for natural anxiety cures. Anxiety is one of the most undiagnosed conditions in the United States. It is predicted that even more than 7 million individuals are experiencing obsessive compulsive behaviour also recognized as anxiety. Many individuals have struggled with anxiety for years and often feel these remedies will not assist them. It is not to......
Separation anxiety in puppies: While we all want our puppy to become dependent on us when we are at home, this is not always ideal for him while we are away working or out shopping. Making them reliant on you for company, as well as play, is really about making a rod for your own back. Giving them all of your time, when they demand it, is not going to let them become independent souls. They ......
How many times have you turned to music to uplift you even further in happy times, or sought the comfort of music when melancholy strikes? Music affects us all. But only in recent times have scientists sought to explain and quantify the way music impacts us at an emotional level. Researching the links between melody and the mind indicates that listening to and playing music actually can alte......
Stress is fast becoming the biggest health problem in modern societies. Financial pressures, work pressures, family pressures so much to do so little time to do it all! Here’s five quick ways to ease the pressure and relieve stress: 1. Make time to switch off from the daily trials and tribulations and relax for at least one hour every day. Just shut the world out and do something you ......
Panic attacks can be very problematic especially when they accompany anxiety and stress. These are a result of over production as well as under utilization of adrenalin. When the anxiety reaction is not useful for adrenalin, it can result in development of a specific physical reactions group that can reach to its highest with a panic attack. This kind of response is quite natural and physic......
Adolescent stress can have many causes. The teenage years are a difficult and stressful time for anyone. Hormonal changes, the pressures of growing up and making life choices, having to learn to deal with adult relationships and emotions: all of these can cause anxiety and feelings of being unable to cope. The following are just some of the things which can be difficult or stressful for adol......