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It is not uncommon to experience difficulties with sleeping every once in a while; but, it is only when the problem persists for a considerable period of time that it may be considered to be a sleep disorder. When it is caused by anxiety, the problem may not be quite so simple to cure as you might have expected because anxiety sleep disorder can range from mild to very severe which can keep......
All too often people are stressed because they have so much on their plate, and that frequently leads to feelings of anxiety. If you are anxious for no apparent reason, there are a number of things to do that can help you feel better. The following tips offer a number of helpful tips to help you reduce the amount of stress and anxiety you are dealing with. Control Your Thoughts Anxiety oft......
Even in the first century B.C., Publilius Syrus could recognize, “There are some remedies worse than the disease.” Of course, Publilius Syrus lived at a time when many illnesses were treated with a regimen of starvation diet, humid air and bleeding! Just the thought of common medical protocol would be enough to leave someone searching for some natural anxiety remedies. Anxiety ca......
Anxiety is the second most common psychological problem, yet remains undiagnosed 75% of the time. In our anxious age, doubts and fears can manifest as simple worries, free-floating anxiety, phobias (agoraphobia, social phobias, etc.), panic disorders and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. The latter may affect as many as 7 million Americans. Home remedies for anxiety offer the best approacho t......
A recent study has shown that the moms-to-be who listen to the lullabies, classical music and sounds of nature feel less stressed and have no fear about their pregnancy. Wondering how it happens? Read on�. It has been believed that when the music tempo is set at 60 to 80 beats per minute, which is just equivalent to the human heart, it helps in reducing the stress and mental pressure which......
If you feel high amounts of stress or anxiety during the day or even as you lay in bed at night as you try to sleep, you aren’t alone. There are people all around the world that are suffering from this same problem, but there are some things that you can do to help get through the day not only not as stressed, but more happy, healthy and balanced. One of the easiest ways to ease stress an......
Anxiety is a psychological problem which has become quite common these days. Doubts, phobia and fears can lead to panic attacks. Some common symptoms of anxiety are muscle tension, sense of impending doom, heart palpitations, inability to concentrate, dry mouth, sweating, queasy and hyperventilation. There are many useful home remedies for anxiety which can be practiced safely at home. One o......
I know, I can hear you saying it now, “Why would Meditation Help Me? Is not Meditation for the Great Eastern Gurus?” The categorical answer is NO! Every single person on this planet should learn to meditate to help you in your day-to-day growth, to help you cope with the world and to help you deal with your anxiety. Let me explain … The whole role of meditation is to help......
Is anxiety self help through online anxiety groups a myth or reality? Is it really possible? What are online anxiety groups? If you constantly find yourself or somebody close to you asking these same questions, reading this shall hopefully clear your doubts and help you make up your mind for yourself or your loved one. Let’s move on together as I try to answer those questions and more. 1.Wha......
Sufferers of nervousness and depression total in the millions in the U.S. Anxiety and depression tear down the cohesiveness of families, with many ending in the tragedy of separation, divorce, hospitalization and even institutionalization. Those who suffer from severe cases of anxiety and depression feel as though they are controlled by the illness and suffer from mood swings, sleeplessness,......