Category Archives: Anxiety

Today’s world is full of technology. From fast-paced adventure movies and high-definition TV, there is no shortage in our world of entertainment to draw in and dazzle the senses. In fact, teachers today are having an increasingly hard time capturing the attention of youth who are used to moving pictures and soundtracks accompanying the voices they hear. Reality is, however, that tec......
What’s so great about music? We all know that music can make us want to jump, dance, and tap our feet. But did you know that music has been linked to math scores, brain development, and anxiety relief? During the critical young ages of learning while the brain is still developing, the impact of music is at its greatest level. But even beyond the younger years, music can still play an importa......
This may come as a shock to you, but professionals such as doctors, lawyers psychological counselors, music teachers, etc. do not know everything there is to know about all the available information in the field. Although the foremost authority on anxiety and anxiety treatments may be able to tell you what works for the vast majority of people, they cannot be absolutely certain that their t......
General anxiety disorder, or GAD, falls under the wide umbrella of anxiety disorders. People who suffer from GAD are characterized by a sense of apprehension in crowds or social settings, and can be seen as an extension of other common fears. Typical symptoms of GAD sufferers include over worrying about simple or day to day affairs such as health, money, or relationships, making it easy for ......
Do you at times fret at the thought of being too anxious of the situations around you? Well, studies have revealed that anxiety is a normal human behavior, and it is good to be anxious to a certain extent; because it makes you cautious, motivated and proactive. Trouble starts only when your anxiety transforms into persistent worrying, stress and depression, diagnosing you as one suffering fr......
Have you ever faced your time to shine, and felt overcome with an intense hesitation or worry about an upcoming performance? As the time nears for you to address your audience, do you suffer from sweaty palms? Is there a lump in your throat? Do you experience tremors, tension, stuttering, upset stomach or loss of focus? All of these symptoms are a sign that you may suffer from performance an......
When someone anticipates the negative outcome and future hazard or scared of real self, anxiety develops. Psychotherapist anxiety should be consulted that provides a frame to make the patient comfortable and enable him to manage his routine work efficiently and achieve the personal goals. It can be done through face to face meetings or online counseling also that saves lot of time. Anxiety i......
�Music speaks what cannot be expressed, smoothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.� Truly you get mesmerized reading this beautiful quote. Out of the zillion classes and genres of music, classical music is peerless, eternally enthralling and ultimately spell bind. To aficionado of the classical music, the genre requires no aid in a......
A great remedy for anxiety is not easy to find.. When medication is useless people often seek natural ways to cure anxiety. Here are two methods that work. They are very simple to implement, just read carefully … * Writing Your Thoughts Down If you are anxious, you can take a plain piece of paper and write down your own thoughts, just like you would do in a diary. This way you will del......
Can music also be the savior to your drink problem? Download Free Rock Music, and listen to this Gene Pool track, plus watch our 3D animated videos for FREE! There are various medications that can be used to stop people drinking. However, these are by no means always used, and most people prefer to try other therapies such as psychological approaches. None of the drug treatments offers anyth......