Category Archives: Anxiety

I asked a friend the other day, “what is your favourite piece of ambient music?” If I had known his reaction to this very simple question, I might just have not asked it. His reply was simply “Ambient Music…who listens to that rubbish, not me!”.Well I just had to smile and put him right, so where shall I begin. Ambient music is all around us these days, you do ......
People tend to assume that children are carefree and that childhood is the best times of their lives. We sometimes think that they have no reason to fret. Unfortunately, this is not always the case in today’s modern world and cases of anxiety disorder in children are on the rise. Children today have schedules. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday are hockey. They probably also have a mu......
We’re told that in the western world today the majority of people suffer from some degree of stress or other. If this is so, no wonder finding solutions to stress is a growth industry. Thankfully, many of these solutions are highly effective, and none more so than music therapy. Stress relief in both adults and children – even in some pets! – has been greatly enhanced by m......
The treatments for anxiety and associated disorders are nearly as varied as the range of people who can be helped by them. For this article we will acknowledge there exists many cases in which one or more prescription medications may be deemed necessary by the overseeing doctor to control anxiety and other mental disorders, often to achieve enough of a stabilizing of the moods and emotions t......
The government allots millions of dollars on medical and health care services every year. Thirty-five percent of this fund is being given to psychological clinics and institutions that offer programs to Americans who needs medical attention, and psychological programs that treat anxiety and panic disorders. The most common psychiatric sickness that affects Americans in any age group is anxie......
Anxiety affects all of us. It’s true that it is natural for the body to respond with symptoms of anxiety for a variety of reasons and external stressors. That being said, most people have experienced anxiety in some form or another during their lifetime. The good news is that anxiety does not have to be an ongoing issue and there are many ways to combat the symptoms, including natural ways u......
Anxiety is a condition which is surrounded by unpleasant physical and emotional state. In this condition any person may experience fear, worry or apprehension. Anxiety may be of short period or long period. The problem of short term anxiety is solved as soon as the particular job for which anxiety is caused is finished and the person feels relaxed. Whereas the long term anxiety continue for ......
Anxiety disorders are a product of modern life. The amount of stress that we face daily may lead to serious anxiety disorders and panic disorders. Anxiety is characterized as extreme reactions to scary situations. Suppose someone follows you into a dark alley, those anxious feelings of a racing heartbeat and sweaty palms that you experience gives way to heightened senses and a rush of adre......
People suffering from anxiety disorder often seek a quick remedy for anxiety, however stress related disorders cannot be cured within one day, patience is a must in the way to complete recovery. In this article I’ve covered two therapies for anxiety that do work. * Music Therapy It does not necessarily have to be your favorite music or your favorite artist. Music therapies involve spec......
People often experience anxiety in anticipation of events that will be unfamiliar, uncomfortable, or have undesirable results. Even minor occurrences can produce reactions in anxiety prone people. Music is an easily administered, nonthreatening, noninvasive, and inexpensive tool to calm anxiety. The effect on people listening to music prior to and during surgery has been the subject of seve......