Category Archives: Asthma

Whatever interests your child has, or whatever position they are in, there is a summer youth camp that will perfectly meet their needs. From the familiar traditional summer camps to adventure based camps, there is an amazing variety of camps for your child to choose from. In fact, if you are planning to send your child to a summer camp, you might want to get started early searching out the p......
As you and your family plan for the potential of an influenza pandemic, think about the challenges you might face, particularly if a pandemic is severe. You can start to prepare now to be able to respond to these challenges. The following are some challenges you or your family may face and recommendations to help you cope. ESSENTIAL SERVICES YOU DEPEND ON MAY BE DISRUPTED; Plan for the possi......
The statistics that 98% of all New Years Resolutions fail is nothing new or startling. I am sure we all know people, who have resolved after a heavy Christmas to do one of three things, give up smoking, give up alcohol and lose weight. How many people do you know that have undertaken these resolutions but by Easter they were back to their old ways. Well, if you are a believer of the statis......
The real problems with stress arise when you don’t do anything at all. Some people are not aware they are at risk for problems such as heart attack and stroke. Stress is so common and strikes so slowly that few people are aware of any danger till its too late. A little statistic might make this a little clearer; estimates that 75% to 95% of all doctors’ visits are stres......
It must be understood that the methods described below are not separate techniques which are applied alone or in some random fashion. They are applied in combinations appropriate to each individual so as to re-establish harmony on all levels of being, physical, vital, emotional, mental and spiritual. 1. Proper diet is an essential requirement for any who wants to have a healthy body and cla......
First of all, you’ll need to identify for sure if it’s acid reflux. Here’s how you tell. If you’re laying there and you feel a burning in your throat, or if your stomach is upset, or you keep tasting the dinner you had earlier, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from acid reflux. If it’s a severe case, you may actually find yourself awoken from a......
I’ve suffered from SAD every year since I moved to the Pacific NW 5 years ago. I don’t get really depressed anymore but I still have to deal with other symptoms like lack of energy, increased need for sleep, lowered mood, etc. It’s not fun but I’ve learned to accept it. This article will teach you how to relief depression. First, try mood enhancing activities such as ......
Anxiety is a serious mental problem which if left untreated can lead to extremely high stress levels. What happens when a person gets too stressed out? Usually, they tend to not want to go out anywhere or see anybody till they �snap out of it�. But every person is unique and each may have a different threshold of finding relief. As I’ve gotten older I found that treating myself�by myself......
We know that eight glasses of water every day will ensure good health, but few people have the discipline to do it. Will we change our attitude and habits if we know that water is not just a fluid, but a live entity from outer space that communicates with us? Think about it. What other fluid can change to a solid state (ice) or evaporate and form steam? Our bodies are 90% water when we a......
Addiction to tobacco impacts on every ten from fifteen people the entire world over. Many people get started on making use of tobacco based painting products from truly an early young age. The teen working years are really the essential vulnerable time, as this might be the period in our life whenever we pick out upwards our bad practices Curbing Cigarette Consumption. Whilst some may never......