Category Archives: Sleep Disorders

Although there are many side effects of insomnia that can interfere with your daily life, there is one side effect of insomnia that is the most dangerous of all. Which one is it? Quite simply, lack of concentration and focus. The lack of concentration and focus brought on by insomnia can be deadly, for both you and for those whom are around you. Why is this? Because you will not react to sit......
Is it possible to become smarter, happier and more successful just by listening to a CD? Most people would probably say no, but they would be wrong. Brainwave entrainment CDs have a major impact on the lives of those who use them according to both anecdotal evidence and scientific studies. Therefore, the claims made about the wide ranging benefits to a person’s wellbeing of using this techno......
We cannot avoid the fact that we live in a high-stress culture. The economy is less than desirable (leading to financial problems for many) and at the moment the end is not in sight. Some of us will continue along without any real wear and tear showing but others are not quite so lucky. There are debates about why it is that some people seem to weather storms more easily than others. Gene......
Pruritis is local or systemic irritation or itching and is one of the effects of an allergic reaction. The itch may be localized or can effect the whole body. Itching can be a significant source discomfort. When severe, it can lead to loss of sleep, solicituded and depression. It involves nerves in the skin responding to certain chemicals such as histamine, and then processing these signals ......
Aging is a natural process we all will face someday. As we age our bodies starts to stop producing the natural resources that we all need. As the body declines, aging signs develop including wrinkles, crowsfeet, weight gain, weight loss, cellulite, and so on. To reduce the aging symptoms we must all take steps to maintain our health. What not to do: Don’t exercise before going to sleep......
Most often affects women and usually occurs between 30 and 60 years of age. It causes extreme tiredness, weakness, joint pain, muscle and headaches, fever, lack of concentration and depression… Factors such as overwork, stress, poor circulation and physical inactivity have been linked to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), however, has not been scientifically impossible ......
You must remember when being a child that due to the excitement you felt before a planned trip, it was impossible for you to sleep. Unfortunately, your sleeping problems are not today the outcome of an expected and desired journey. Problems at work or in the house keep your mind occupied and your body restless. Although you know how important it is for you to sleep during nighttime, you are ......
These days,hollister france, many people begin to feel at night, can’t sleep, cannot get up in the morning, mental and physical exhaustion, spirits, and even some people to go to work tomorrow have a fear.”Eleven” the long vacation is about to end, many people because of the tourism, entertainment too, eat and drink too much, the party with “holiday syndrome”.Ex......
Pregnancy is one of the milestones in a woman’s life. Some pregnant women however may also come to experience physical pains and discomforts as their tummies expand. One such common complaint is pregnancy insomnia. The Figures Studies show that at least 78% of women experience insomnia during their pregnancy. Although some may not experience this sleeping problem throughout pregnancy, ......
‘Mind over matter’ this is hypnotherapy in a nutshell. Employing hypnosis to treat an illness began in ancient Egypt and India where music and religion were used to induce trance. In modern times, when people began to look outside the pail of conventional medicine for solutions, the use of the mind for treatment became a powerful procedure in itself. The most simplistic form of ......