Different Types Of Headaches

Headaches are like nothing else in the medical world insofar as they come in a variety group. It is extremely important to understand the different types of headaches to understand how each type of headache is treated and these are symptoms to watch. As with any type of headache if you have the occasional headache when there are many ways to combat them, but if you find yourself with chronic headaches, you should visit your doctor immediately. A headache May seem like a minor or major inconvenience, but a headache could also be the door to a broader set of problems. So if you experience symptoms of chronic headaches, see your doctor immediately. In the meantime here are the basic types of headache for your information.

Headache tension

Headache tension are the most common type of headache and they affect millions of people each and everyday. Headache of tension are generally the result of stress or other forms of external stimulus to cause stiffness in the neck muscles and muscles around the skull. A tension headache is a constant pain that usually surrounds your head and can feel like a belt wrapped around your head with someone pulling on her. What a headache tension is the Lord of the skull muscles causing a partial loss of blood flow to the brain. The muscles react to pain and the brain reacts with slow response and difficulty concentrating.

To relieve tension headaches just eliminate the source of tension. Put on some soft music in a quiet room on the sidelines and relax. Take a hot bath or get a massage. The use of drugs to relieve a headache of tension should be your last resort.


Of all the types of headaches, migraines seem to be the best known. Everyone knows what a migraine is even if few people actually suffer from them on a regular basis. As a joke many people will say that the stress of the day is to give them a migraine. Not much information about the causes of migraine, but what is known is that migraine does not need to stress to be triggered. The theory is that migraines are caused by an imbalance in the blood to cause blood vessels around the skull to expand and contract. This causes the pain of a migraine ..

A migraine is a headache for these types should be treated by a doctor rather than with medication.

Cluster headache

Also known as the suicide headache because the headache is the most painful of all. It has been referred to in medical journals as the most intense pain of a human being could never suffer. A leading group can not be stopped by more against drugs and if you are a doctor who knows what they do, they will treat the leading group as an emergency. The pain is so bad that, once head of a group affects the patient can do nothing other than trying to treat severe pain.

For the moment there are some medicines used to relieve the headache group, but research is still underway.

For more information on headaches depression and where you can go to get help, please visit my website at http://www.liveer.com/headaches

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