1. Just how does someone bury” diabetes? Diabetes is waiting on your doorstep. Will you welcome it in your home…for that matter your body? Diabetes was not welcome in my home! It’s a deadly disease that needs to be buried. How do you bury diabetes? You must mentally determine you will overcome the disease and not be defined by it. First, get yourself a big shovel. Dig a hole in the ground and put diabetes and everything mentally toxic with it in the ground. Start burying it with the dirt and keep going until you feel it’s totally buried for good. After all, we don’t want it coming out of the grave! Otherwise, it would be spooky!!
2. What happened after you buried your diabetes? I placed my shovel down on the ground and started jumping up and down. I felt great afterwards and never looked back again. However, I almost tripped on the shovel, so be careful! I don’t celebrate diabetes, nor do I ever think about it. I just celebrate my birthday and living a sweet life!” I won’t ever forget the feeling of burying it…..unforgettable and amazing! Yes, you can too!
3. What advice would you give to someone who was just diagnosed with diabetes? Most importantly, refuse and never use the diabetic” label. Don’t let anyone ever disrespect you. The next time you hear someone use the word diabetic,” correct them. Sometimes, people don’t even realize what they are saying when they ask if you are a diabetic.” Educate them! Explain to them that if they had cancer, you would not call them a canceretic.” Why then do you suppose the word diabetic” is used? Ask them to call you by your first name.
4. How would you help someone who feels like no one knows what they are going through? There are many people out there that know what you are going through. In fact, more than 230 million children and adults worldwide have diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Federation. I personally know, how you are feeling, since I felt the same before I buried it. Believe me, life will get better and those feelings will not stay.
5. Dealing with diabetes can wear you out mentally. How do you maintain a positive, energized focus? I believe it is vital to focus on what you want in life. To me, it includes excellent health. I never focus on what I don’t want. What a waste of precious time that would be. Once you know what you want, you can get started right away. Today is the day, to make your fresh start! I know you can do it! The choice is yours, you just have to believe and have faith as you step forward, taking one step at a time.
6. You came to diagnose your own diabetes as a child. How did that happen? I was always into good health as a kid, but yet I couldn’t figure out why all of a sudden I was getting more and more fatigued while I was running. Instead of getting more fit, I was now running behind the unfit kids in my physical education class. It just so happened during this same time we were studying diabetes in our health education class.
7. What are the symptoms of diabetes?
* Increased thirst
* Frequent urination
* Blurry vision
* Feeling fatigued
* Weight loss
* Dry skin
* Sores that don’t heal
* Frequent infections
* Numbness or tingling in the feet
* Vomiting
It’s important to remember that you may experience only a few of these symptoms, not all of them.
8. Why do you believe vaccines are the largest cause of insulin-dependent diabetes in children? For me personally, I never missed a day of school from any sickness. I was healthy all of the time. I even received perfect attendance certificates! However, after I received vaccinations, I started not feeling like myself. Today there are many reliable sources that are in agreement with me. I believe the pieces of the puzzle will all fit together, once you have done your own research into vaccinations.
9. How did your family and friends support you or react to your diabetes? My family was in shock, since there was no history of diabetes in our family, nor did I eat a lot of sugar. Back then they thought, you got Type 1 diabetes from eating too much sugar. Most of my friends were very supportive once I educated them on diabetes. If someone had a problem with diabetes, that was their problem, not mine!
10. Why do so many people feel overwhelmed by getting their diabetes in control? Because you can’t control diabetes, you can only bury it. I would be exhausted too, if I had to chase diabetes around. This disease doesn’t care who you are, its main goal is to destroy lives. You can live like you don’t have diabetes, with the right, healthy lifestyle plan. Feeling fabulous to me, is what it’s all about! Diabetes is dead….I’m alive!
11. How can people educate themselves about diabetes? It depends on what type of diabetes education” you want. What I teach my clients is very unique and individualized. We have a lot of fun at the same time. I never use a fear-based education. Instead, we focus on you…not the disease! I use what works and it’s been highly effective for over 25 years! Is your diabetes education” working for you?
12. It seems like doctors and nutritionists frustrated you – why? Because they did not want to hear what a 13 year old had to say about diabetes. They only wanted to believe what they were taught in college…even if it didn’t work and I felt sick. They didn’t live in my body, so how would they know how I’m feeling? Since their system did not work for me, I had to create a plan that worked really well for myself. I’m glad I did…I’m healthy and here today!
13. According to your book, Diabetes Can Be Sweet…Once You Bury It, faith played a big role in your recovery. What else could serve as inspiration and strength for those confronting their disease? A positive role model, in regards to diabetes would have made a big difference in my life. At the time, there wasn’t one. My passion in life is to be the best role model for children and adults globally. Once they have hope and believe it can be done, it’s only a matter of time before all of their dreams come true!
14. You write in your book: Diabetes did not define who I was, I defined what diabetes was to me.” How so? Diabetes is a serious disease and is not part of my life and never will be. However, I’m an individual with my own personality and characteristics, just like you. Everyone is special in my eyes. We all have hopes and dreams and whether we have a blood sugar or broken foot challenge, it’s no big deal. Life goes on. Living life to the fullest is what’s valuable to me!
15. Even someone who doesn’t have diabetes would find your personal story very interesting and motivating. Were you born with a positive attitude, or did you develop it? I guess you could say, I have always had a positive attitude. You just never realize it, until it’s put to the test. And, yes this was quite the test! No matter how bad things seemed to get, I always knew I would come out stronger. I have learned a lot on my journey, and it has been surreal at times.
16. How should a diabetic come to see themselves? Ouch! You just used the D” word. Certainly, not as a disease. The diabetic label” should be banned. It is emotionally and mentally damaging to people. Labels belong on packaged foods, not on us. They should see themselves like a normal, healthy person. People are unique and extraordinary and there is no one else like them on the planet. You decide who you want to be…and it will definitely set you free!
17. If someone is on insulin, how can they label, monitor or dictate their dosage? Since I’m not a doctor, I cannot prescribe nor can I change someone’s insulin dosage or medication. The individual will need to learn how to operate their own pancreas (an organ behind your stomach, where your body makes insulin). Insulin is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas, which everyone needs in order to transport sugar from the bloodstream. Since insulin dosages are measured in units, you have to know all of the necessary factors, in order to obtain the right dosage(s) (answers) to the equation.
18. How does one get to know their own body? Primarily, by listening to what our body is trying to tell us. It’s always giving us feedback. The question is, are we paying any attention to it or the warning signs” which continue to keep flashing? One good way to keep track of everything is to write it down in your journal. Also, by writing it down you will easily remember it as well.
19. What type of health goals should one set? They should make healthy choices in all aspects of their life. This not only includes consuming certain foods and nutrients, but incorporating the most beneficial exercise for you as an individual. Most importantly, are these goals actually reachable? Are you seeing results? The actual results can be measured by your lab reports, such as the breakdown of your lipid panel. What is your HDL? What is your Hemoglobin A1c? This test reveals what your average blood sugars have been the past 2-3 months. Again, these lab results don’t define you as a person. They just let you know where you need to make adjustments.
20. How can one relieve stress? We have all heard that exercise relieves stress. On the other hand, if we follow a one-size that fits all exercise program, we will have even more stress. That’s why individualized physical exercise not only reduces stress, but increases your overall fun and fitness level. Be sure and get plenty of rest. Keep moving and grooving. Don’t just listen to music, have fun and dance the night away! Staying stress-free, is the best way to be!!
Note: Any information provided in response to questions 1-20 is not medical advice and should not be substituted for consulting with your own physician.