Incidence Of Type Ii Diabetes Rises- Are You At Risk?

Incidence of Type II diabetes and Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) is rising around the world. According to the International Diabetes Federation, 7 million people develop diabetes each year, at the rate of 2 people every 10 seconds! It is believed that up to 50% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed, and in some less developed countries, that number could be as high as 80%. This amazing number can be attributed to the slow onset of type II diabetes. People may not notice the progression of their symptoms, which include tiredness, thirst, constant hunger, frequent urination, blurred vision, weight loss, weakness, repeated infections and poor wound healing. Another factor that may contribute to the rise in type II diabetes cases is increased affluence. Increased income to spend on food, cars and other labor saving appliances leads to a fatter, less active society- two of the key factors that contribute to type II diabetes. This disease can have many serious complications if not managed, but many people do not understand how serious it is. Why? Because many people with diabetes look healthy. Yet, late diagnosis or poor management can lead to deterioration of vision and blindness, kidney damage and failure, angina and heart attacks, painful feet and paralysis, and foot ulcers and poor circulation to the legs and feet- the result of which can be amputation.


People with diabetes do not make insulin, or it does not work the way it should. In healthy people, insulin works with the food you eat to deliver glucose to your cells for energy. People with diabetes have high blood glucose levels, because the insulin is not facilitating transport of glucose into your cells. This explains the symptoms and complications of diabetes: your body does not have the energy to perform its necessary tasks! While there is a genetic susceptibility, studies have also noted that dietary composition, physical activity, and low birth weight contribute to the onset of type II diabetes.

People at risk are:

�Over 40 years old
�Have (or have had) a blood relative with diabetes
�Have (or have had) diabetes during pregnancy
�Don’t exercise regularly, or have a sedentary lifestyle
�Are obese (waist measurement over 100cm for men, 95 cm for women)
�Have high blood pressure or take blood pressure medication
�Have a history of heart attack, angina, paralysis, stroke
�Women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are obese (cysts on ovaries, irregular periods, problems with excess facial and body hair and acne)
�Have previously had abnormal blood glucose levels (impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose)
�Were born in Southern Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia; are Polynesian or Asian Indian
�Have two or more of the following symptoms:
1.excessive urination
2.constant thirst
3.unexplained weight loss
4.numbness or tingling in legs or feet
5.blurred vision
6.constant fatigue
7.itching skin or frequent skin infections

Diabetes claims the lives of one person every 10 seconds, and people with type II diabetes die an average of 5-10 years earlier than those without it. Don’t let this disease claim any more lives! UP TO 80% OF TYPE II DIABETES IS PREVENTABLE AND MANAGEABLE BY LOSING WEIGHT, INCREASING ACTIVITY AND EATING A HEALTHY DIET! If you are at risk, see your doctor for a blood test!

For more information about diabetes, its symptoms and risk factors, visit The American Diabetes Association website at or Societa Italiana di Diabetologia For more information about what is being done to combat diabetes, the search for a cure, and ways to donate, visit

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