Seasonale – Extended Cycle Oral Contraceptive

Seasonal oral contraceptive is an extended- regimen birth control pill, which means it is helps to extend the time between your periods so you get them once every 3 months instead of every month. In simple words, it extends time between your periods. Seasonale is 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy when taken as directed.

While your get the convenience of 4 periods a year, you are also more likely to have spotting and breakthrough bleeding than with a traditional monthly birth control. First year you will, experience total bleeding days are similar to a traditional birth control pill.

Oral contraceptives are a very effective method of birth control, but seasonale pill does not protect against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Some woman should not use pill, including women who have blood clots, a history of heart attack, and if you are pregnant or plan to become or even if you are breast-feeding a baby.

Follow the direction on your prescription label carefully or ask your doctor when to take your first tablet. Take the oral contraceptive exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor. Do not stop taking Seasonale pill without informing your doctor.

In case if you have recently given birth, do not starts immediately taking any birth control pills, wait until four week after giving birth to begin taking oral contraceptive? Before you start taking oral contraceptive, ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the manufacturer’s information for the patient and read it carefully.

No need to change your dirt unless your doctor tells you otherwise, continue your normal diet which you used to have it before starting taking oral contraceptive. Oral contraceptive may increases the risk of developing endometrial and breast cancer, gallbladder disease, liver tumor, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots. Talk to your doctor about the risk of taking this medication.

For more information on Seasonale, log on to

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