If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, you might want to consider taking up meditation. Practicing meditation can help you get a sounder and more refreshing sleep so that you’ll have more energy and ability to concentrate in the morning. It also has benefits for people who have sleep difficulties because it relaxes the muscles and soothes the mind so that they fall asleep more easily.
When those who take a wide range of pills for any number of reasons add sleeping pills to the mix, the result is often an interruption of sleep. They are frequently drowsy the next day. Meditation can help you achieve the desired result without medication, but you will need time and patience to master the technique.
There are several methods for easy meditation – listening to music or in silence, burning candles, sitting calmly and allowing your mind to drift, or by the more concentrated practice of yoga meditation. Meditation relieves tension and eases anxiety, which will lead to a more restful and refreshing sleep.
To enter a state of meditation, try some time-honored techniques such as repeating a mantra (a positive phrase) silently or out loud, focusing on your breathing, or listening to soothing music. If stray thoughts come into your mind that interrupt your focus, just let them go and turn your mind back to your object of concentration.
When you have a peaceful place with no distractions you will be able to easily meditate. Use the following tips to help you concentrate.
1. Find a quiet place where you’re not likely to be disturbed. This place might be somewhere in your house, or a lakeside park bench. Remove the television, phone and other things that might cause a disturbance.
2. Get comfortable. Find a sitting position that is comfortable for you, using pillows or cushions if required. Remove your footwear, and do not wear anything that restricts you.
3. Get relaxed. Just close you eyes and let your mind begin to wander. If you want you can picture peaceful scenes in your mind to assist in your meditation.
4. Concentrate on your breathing. Inhale deeply and focus on each breath as the air enters and exits your lungs. Practicing this kind of deep breathing will help to reduce your stress and enhance the levels of oxygen in your system.
If you make it a habit to meditate for 10 to 15 minutes every day, just before you go to bed at night, in time your sleep will become more restful and restorative.