One in five of females between the ages of 25 and 40 suffer from acne. In many cases, their condition is a result of the hormonal activity associated with pregnancy. Special difficulties are presented by this because some of the most popular acne remedies are not advised to be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding moms because they could harm the unborn infant or the young child. Treatment of pregnancy related acne should cope with the expectant woman’s condition and protect her infant.
As acne treatments including peppermint, nutmeg, honey and lemon or fruit derivatives such as liquid and peel alternative remedies Over the years, many natural products have been suggested.
There are a host of others. The ingredients are prepared as a product, paste or lotion that is put on skin. As they will have few, if any, negative effects these could be worth considering for managing the signs of pregnancy associated acne. There was, yet, no medical evidence supporting their effectiveness, possibly.
Some people believe in holistic remedies in which a natural material that in a healthy man would produce symptoms like those of the disorder itself is diluted till all remnants of the initial active ingredients are lost. The adherents maintain the resulting potion “remembers” that the ingredients were once current.
Medical investigation has found homeopathic remedies inadequate, or at the very least no better than a placebo, and their postulated mechanisms of motion implausible. Because of the extremely high dilutions, most holistic solutions are, at least, benign if ineffective. How then can a pregnant woman or nursing mom treat her acne in a way that is not harmful to her unborn infant or child?
Treating the causes, not the signs
The answer lies in knowing where the cause of pregnancy starts. It starts inside the woman’s body. Her acne outbreaks are triggered by hormonal action related to pregnancy. An imbalance has developed in how her hormones are controlled causing excessive sebum to be inflammation and secreted in blocked follicles.
The disproportion also plays a part in an accumulation of toxins within her body, which are removed through the skin. This method of elimination is another cause of her acne outbreaks. Her illness must be treated insider her body. Her diet and what she drinks are fundamental to treating the main cause of her condition.
What is great for the baby is good for the caretaker
The key to tackling her hormone imbalance and the build up of toxins is to have a wholesome balanced diet. She’ll have received sound nutritional guidance from her midwife or physician, but her diet must also avoid processed foods and snacks. Aside from their high saturated fat and salt content, these meals are source of the toxin build up she’s attempting to eliminate.
She also needs to drink lots of water daily. This may keep her body properly hydrated as well as having other overall health benefits. It will improve the appearance of her tone. It will also help the toxins to be eliminated by her through her kidneys.
Over time, this safe and normal method of managing the cause of her pregnancy related acne will give the clear appearance she wants and she will have acne no more.