If you have acne, you aren’t alone. Most people, about 96% of people, will suffer from acne at one point in their life. Some will have it worse that others, spending a large portion of their adult life suffering from this condition. To better understand what you can do about it, it’s a good idea to understand some of the factors associated with acne.
Generally speaking, there are three big “risk factors,” so to speak, that are associated with acne. Some of these causes are absolutely unavoidable, as we shall see, while some are easier to get a handle on.
The first major cause is absolutely out of your control. Most of us get acne when we hit puberty. During this time, both males and females undergo a dramatic change in body chemistry. One of these changes is an increase in male hormone, in both men and women. This leads to a massive increase in oil made by your sebaceous glands. These glands are most plentiful on the face, neck chest.
The second factor associated with acne is stress levels. Even though it’s tough to measure stress directly, because it’s pretty subjective. Even so, many people consider stress to be a major risk factor for acne. Stress, of course, can be caused by many things, such as lack of sleep, too much homework, and difficulties at home, work or at school, as well as within a relationship. It’s true that it’s almost impossible to control your stress levels completely, they are easier to control than puberty caused hormones.
The final risk factor, so to speak, that is associated with this condition is the food that you eat, or your diet. There have been many beliefs in the past regarding certain foods and acne. One major belief that has been scientifically proven to not be true is chocolate. However, milk, and milk products may indeed be contributing factor, thought due to the bovine growth hormones found in those products. There are also several studies underway which suggest that adequate levels of Vitamin E and A intake can keep the production of sebum at normal levels.
Whatever the cause of your acne, realize that there are several ways to go about treating. Stress can be reduced by additional sleep, or relaxing music, or increased exercise. You may try and increase your vitamin A and E intake either through supplements or fruits and vegetables, and you may think about reducing your dairy intake. At the very least, you can realize that acne is not a hopeless situation, and there are proven remedies that you can try.